Mediating Role of Psychological Capital in Korean Teachers’ Grit and Burnout

Kyu Tae Kim


This study aimed to investigate whether psychological capital mediates the relationship between grit and teacher burnout. Data from 574 Korean elementary and secondary school teachers were analyzed using correlation and regression analyses to determine whether psychological capital negatively mediates the link between grit and burnout. The results revealed that grit significantly reduces teacher burnout and confirmed the negative mediating role of psychological capital in this relationship. Given the limited research in this area, these findings contribute to the theoretical and empirical understanding of how grit, psychological capital, and burnout are interconnected in the teaching profession. For future research, the author suggests exploring group differences in burnout, grit, and psychological capital based on teachers' demographic factors, using multilevel or hierarchical linear models to identify distinct strategies and the impact of individual and organizational characteristics.

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Journal of Curriculum and Teaching ISSN 1927-2677 (Print) ISSN 1927-2685 (Online)  Email:

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