Stress at Work and Its Subsequent Problems among Teachers of the Public Schools Which Operate the School-Based Violence Reduction Program (VRP) in Tulkarm Governorate
This study aimed to identify the work-related stress and its subsequent problems among teachers of the publicschools which operated the school-based Violence Reduction Program (VRP) in the governorate of Tulkarm duringthe second semester of 2015-2016. Besides, it aimed to identify the effect of specific variables, such as gender,specialization, qualifications and years of service, on the assessment process of stress at work and its subsequentproblems. The study tool was a purposefully designed questionnaire, which consisted of 50 items. The validity andinternal consistency of this measurement instrument were assessed, where the reliability coefficient score was 0.91.The sample consisted of 130 teachers from public schools in Tulkarm area, which represented almost 100% of thestudy population. The results showed that there were inadequate criteria for teacher professional development, weakrelationship between teaching faculty and school administration, lack of class discipline, prevalent problems amongstudents, numerous teacher development workshops, lack of teacher decision-making participation, teacherinvolvement in undesirable activities, and heavy burden of teacher material obligations. They also showed that therewere no statically significant differences in terms of the variables of gender, specialization, qualification, and workexperience. The most important recommendations of the study included setting up a clear and particular strategy fordeveloping educational evaluations, the development of educational work in line with technological developments,and employing self-evaluation methods.
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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print) ISSN 1925-0754(Online)
Copyright © Sciedu Press
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